The Best Sauna for PCOS and Hormones: A Natural Remedy to Rebalance your Body

Ladies, let's talk about something that is so close to many of our hearts, PCOS. The hormonal imbalance that can make us feel like we're on a rollercoaster of emotions, weight fluctuations, and skin issues. UGH, right?

But girlfriend, what if I told you there's a natural remedy that's been used for thousands of years to help with hormone balance? And it's something you can do from the comfort of your own home!

Regularly using a sauna for PCOS symptoms!

What is PCOS?

PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, is a hormonal disorder that affects up to 10% of women of reproductive age. It's characterized by high levels of androgens (male hormones), irregular menstrual cycles, and cysts in the ovaries. Check this article out to learn more about Root Causes of PCOS. 

PCOS can cause a range of symptoms, from acne and hair growth to weight gain and fertility problems. But ladies, we're not alone in this battle. There are ways to manage PCOS naturally and regain control of your body (trust me, I struggled with PCOS for years until I learned the secrets to addressing it at the root and using natural tools and practices to manage it holistically!).

Have We Been Out of the Loop? Using the Sauna For PCOS

Saunas have been used for thousands of years as a form of therapy and relaxation. The heat from a sauna can help to detoxify the body, promote blood circulation, and improve skin health. But did you know that saunas can also be beneficial for hormone balance?

The Perks of Using a Sauna For PCOS

Saunas can do wonders for rebalancing your hormones, largely thanks to the detoxification process. Did you know that sweating, which is our body's natural response to heat, is a fantastic way to wave goodbye to harmful toxins? 

Detoxification is VITAL to your health because when these toxins build up, they can throw off our hormonal balance and trigger a whole host of health issues, including those pesky symptoms linked to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

So, how exactly do saunas help your hormones? Well, firstly, the heat stress caused by chilling out in a sauna ramps up the production of heat shock proteins. This is great news, as it can help reduce insulin resistance and keep your blood sugar levels in check, tackling a common issue in PCOS.

On top of that, the process of sweating helps our bodies kick out endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). These are nasty toxins that pretend to be hormones in our bodies, messing up our natural hormone production and function, and contributing to conditions like PCOS.

Regular sauna sessions can also encourage the production of beneficial hormones such as human growth hormone (HGH), which is a big help in metabolism and cell repair, and endorphins, our body's very own natural pain soothers and mood lifters.

So, by consistently using a sauna, you're helping your body systematically remove toxins that might be contributing to hormonal imbalance, leading to an improvement in PCOS symptoms. 

This means regular sauna sessions could be a fantastic, natural way to tackle hormonal imbalances and their associated symptoms. How cool is that?

Does the Type of Sauna Matter for PCOS?

Not every sauna choice for PCOS is the same, ladies. Among all these choices, one type stands out - infrared saunas, especially those with red light therapy. They're superstars when it comes to balancing hormones, especially if you're dealing with things like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

Red light therapy is this cool technique where we use low-level wavelengths of light to treat and improve skin conditions, reduce inflammation, and boost cell health. Plus, it also helps your body heal. 

All these benefits - reducing inflammation, improving cell health, and promoting healing - are fantastic for managing PCOS and keeping you healthy overall. So, adding an infrared sauna with red light therapy to your wellness routine could be a game-changer!

How Often Should You Use a Sauna for PCOS Management?

To make the most of the healing and health-boosting benefits of saunas specifically for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), it's a great idea to weave sauna sessions into your wellness routine 2-3 times every week. 

Aim for around 15-20 minutes each session - it's all about finding that sweet spot to actually reap all the benefits. Keep a close eye on how your body responds during and after each session and adjust as you need to. This could mean trimming down the duration of each session or upping the number of sessions each week.

Other Helpful Tips for Addressing PCOS Naturally

Using a sauna, with its amazing detoxifying and hormone-regulating benefits, is just one of several natural remedies that can help manage Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

Plus, these naturally PCOS remedies below are also super easy to implement and boost your overall health too and help address your PCOS symptoms! Win-win!

One of the top strategies is simply eating a balanced diet. Tucking into a variety of nutritious foods can help keep your hormones balanced and your blood sugar levels in check, both super important for anyone with PCOS. This means lots of fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains, and a little less of the processed foods and sugary drinks.

Keeping active is another key part of managing PCOS. Regular exercise can help your body use insulin more effectively and manage your weight – both big helpers when it comes to dealing with PCOS symptoms. Whether you love a good brisk walk, a cycle ride, or prefer something a bit more energetic like running or weight lifting, the important thing is to make it regular and enjoyable.

Sleeping well is another biggie. Honestly, I think sleep is one of the biggest aspects we often overlook. Good quality sleep is vital for so many bodily functions, including hormonal regulation and metabolism. Poor sleep can make PCOS symptoms worse, so make sure you're getting those much-needed ZZZs each night.

You also want to get rid of toxins in your home. Check out this article, How To Make a Healthy PCOS Lifestyle Change By Ditching Toxins, to learn more on this topic.

Last but not least, let's talk about stress. Managing stress is a crucial part of dealing with PCOS. Chronic stress can mess with your hormone levels and make PCOS symptoms even worse, so finding stress-busting activities that you enjoy – think meditation, yoga, deep breathing, or any other relaxation activities – is super important.

Remember, you're not alone in this. There's a ton of support out there to help you manage PCOS, from healthcare professionals to support groups and a wealth of information online. It's all about finding what works best for you and your unique situation. You've got this!

I am head over heels with my Therasage sauna. It has been my personal game changer for my own journey with PCOS and I am absolutely OBSESSED!

Imagine having a Therasage sauna right in the comfort of your own home - how unbeatably convenient is that? You can indulge in a relaxing sauna session whenever you like, no need to worry about travel or fitting into a spa or health club's schedule. Plus, the privacy and cozy comfort of your home can make the sauna experience even more therapeutic and relaxing. If you come over to my house, you better believe you’ll catch me in my sauna sooner or later.

Want to order your own Therasage sauna for PCOS symptom management and start reaping the incredible benefits that I've had the joy of experiencing?


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