Home Remedies for PCOS: How to Treat PCOS Naturally with Hormone Balance

Living with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is like walking a tightrope of unpredictable symptoms. From the unwelcome surprise of acne flaring up before a big meeting to the emotional rollercoaster of irregular periods, PCOS can feel like an uninvited guest in your day-to-day life.

For many women, it's not just the physical symptoms that are challenging, but also the emotional toll it takes, often leaving them wondering if there's a more natural way to regain control of your health!

This is where home remedies for PCOS, grounded in the principles of functional medicine, come into play, offering a blend of lifestyle changes and natural approaches to manage your PCOS symptoms.

I want to share this with you because I struggled with PCOS since teenage years. But I’ve been thriving with PCOS for 7 years and want to share my insights I’ve gained through my experience as well as my in depth background in Functional Medicine.

This article will share tips on how to heal your hormones naturally with PCOS in the comfort of your own home!

Why These Home Remedies for PCOS Work!

The effectiveness of these home remedies for PCOS lies in their ability to address the root causes of the condition. PCOS is not just a surface-level issue; it's deeply intertwined with various underlying factors that these lifestyle tips target directly.

  1. Balancing Hormones Through Diet with PCOS-Friendly Foods

    Diet plays a pivotal role in managing PCOS. It's not just about eating healthy, but eating right for your hormonal balance. Foods that help stabilize insulin and reduce inflammation can be particularly beneficial.

    • Low-Glycemic Foods: Focus on whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. These foods help in managing insulin levels, a key hormone that, when imbalanced, can exacerbate PCOS symptoms.

    • Protein: Incorporate sources of protein like steak, eggs, sardines, wild caught fish, chicken. Protein (and fats) can help in slowing down the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream, stabilizing blood sugar levels and supporting hormonal health. 

    • Healthy Fats: Avocados, olive oil, and omega-3-rich foods like salmon are excellent for reducing inflammation and supporting overall hormone health.

  2. Best Exercises for PCOS

    Exercise is a fundamental element in managing PCOS, offering benefits far beyond just weight control. The best part is that these home remedies for PCOS are free so you have nothing to lose! Exercise plays a significant role in balancing hormones, improving metabolic health, and enhancing overall well-being. Here’s a look at the best exercises for PCOS, backed by science:

    • Strength Training: Strength training is crucial in building lean muscle mass, which in turn improves insulin sensitivity. Muscle tissues use glucose more efficiently, reducing the insulin requirement. This is particularly beneficial in PCOS, where insulin resistance is a common concern. Incorporate exercises like weight lifting, resistance band workouts, or bodyweight exercises at least 2-3 times a week.

    • Yoga and Pilates: These forms of exercise are excellent for stress reduction, which is vital in managing PCOS. High stress levels can exacerbate hormonal imbalances, worsening PCOS symptoms. Yoga and Pilates help in lowering cortisol levels, thus aiding hormonal balance. Regular practice can involve various forms of yoga such as Hatha, Vinyasa, or Yin yoga, and mat Pilates or equipment-based routines.

    • Walk for 15 Minutes After Meals: Walking post-meals aids in stabilizing blood sugar levels. Gentle movement after eating helps in more efficient glucose uptake by muscle cells, which can be particularly beneficial for managing insulin resistance associated with PCOS. A brisk 15-minute walk after meals, particularly after larger meals, can be an easy and effective routine to incorporate.

    • Cardiovascular Exercises: Regular cardiovascular exercise improves heart health and aids in weight management, both of which are important for PCOS management. It enhances insulin sensitivity and helps in regulating menstrual cycles. Activities like jogging, swimming, or cycling for 30 minutes most days of the week can be highly beneficial.

    By incorporating a mix of these exercises into your routine, you can tackle PCOS from various angles – improving insulin sensitivity, reducing stress, managing weight, and enhancing overall hormonal balance. Remember, consistency is key, and it’s important to find activities that you enjoy to ensure long-term adherence.

  3. Use the Sauna Regularly

    Regular sauna use is an excellent addition to your arsenal of home remedies for PCOS. The cellular benefits from a sauna session offers several benefits that align perfectly with the needs of those managing PCOS. Out of all the home remedies for PCOS, this one is my favorite! I love my at home Thersage sauna! Use the code THEPCOSDOC at checkout for a discount!

    • Detoxification: Saunas are well-known for their detoxifying effects. The intense heat encourages deep sweating, which helps flush out toxins from the body. This detoxification is crucial for PCOS management, as toxin buildup can interfere with hormonal balance, exacerbating PCOS symptoms.

    • Improved Insulin Sensitivity: Studies have shown that regular sauna use can improve insulin sensitivity. By reducing insulin resistance, a significant contributor to PCOS, saunas can help in regulating the hormonal imbalances associated with this condition.

    • Stress Reduction: Saunas can be incredibly relaxing and stress-relieving. Stress is a known factor that can worsen PCOS symptoms, particularly through the release of cortisol, which can further disrupt hormonal balance. The soothing heat of a sauna can help lower stress levels, indirectly supporting hormonal health.

    • Weight Management: While sauna use is not a replacement for regular exercise, it can complement your weight management efforts. The heat from the sauna increases heart rate and, to some extent, mimics the effects of mild exercise. Since weight management is a crucial aspect of PCOS management, this can be an additional benefit.

    • Improved Circulation: Saunas help improve blood circulation, which is beneficial for overall health. Enhanced circulation ensures better nutrient and oxygen delivery throughout the body, which can help in the optimal functioning of all systems, including hormonal regulation.

    • Skin Health: PCOS can often manifest in skin-related issues like acne or hirsutism. The sweating in a sauna helps clear pores and can contribute to improved skin health, which is a welcome benefit for those struggling with PCOS-related skin issues.

    Incorporating regular sauna sessions as a part of your home remedies for PCOS can be a soothing, rejuvinating experience that supports your body’s natural ability to balance hormones and manage PCOS symptoms effectively. Remember, while sauna use has many benefits, it's important to stay hydrated and consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you have any underlying health concerns.

  4. Address Stress with Mindset and Breathing Techniques

    Managing stress is a critical component of any strategy to manage PCOS, making it an essential element of home remedies for PCOS. The relationship between stress and PCOS is bidirectional - not only can PCOS induce stress due to its symptoms, but stress can also exacerbate PCOS. Here's an expanded look at how mindset and breathing techniques can help manage this condition:

    • Mindfulness and Meditation: Engaging in mindfulness and meditation has been shown to lower cortisol levels, the body's primary stress hormone. Elevated cortisol can worsen insulin resistance and hormonal imbalances, both key factors in PCOS. Practices like mindful breathing, guided meditation, or even just spending a few minutes each day in quiet reflection can have profound effects on reducing stress and promoting hormonal balance.

    • Deep Breathing Exercises: Deep breathing exercises activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps in reducing the stress response. This can be particularly beneficial for women with PCOS, as stress reduction is linked to improved hormonal balance and reduced severity of symptoms. Techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing, 4-7-8 breathing, or pranayama (yogic breathing) can be incorporated into your daily routine to help manage stress levels.

    • Yoga: Yoga combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation, all of which are beneficial for stress reduction. It has been shown to decrease cortisol levels and improve insulin sensitivity. Incorporating yoga into your routine, even a few times a week, can help in managing PCOS symptoms. You can join an online yoga membership, making it an easy home remedy for PCOS .

    • Progressive Muscle Relaxation: This technique involves tensing and then relaxing different muscle groups in the body. This can help in reducing overall stress and anxiety, which is beneficial for hormonal balance in PCOS. Practice progressive muscle relaxation before bedtime or during times of high stress to induce relaxation and reduce cortisol levels.

    • Mindful Movement Activities: Activities like Tai Chi or Qigong that focus on gentle movements coordinated with breath work can reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

      Engaging in these activities can promote relaxation, reduce stress, and can be especially beneficial for those with PCOS who are looking for a low-impact exercise option.

      By incorporating these stress-reduction techniques into your routine, you can address one of the key contributors to PCOS. Reducing stress not only helps in managing PCOS symptoms but also improves your overall quality of life. 

Remember, consistency is key in these practices, and finding techniques that resonate with you will make them more enjoyable and effective.

Trying to navigate life with PCOS, but feel overwhelmed? You're not alone. I’m here to tell you from experience, that you don’t have to let PCOS dictate your life forever.

Click below to get instant access to the masterclass to learn “How to Balance Your Hormones Naturally with PCOS” and start your journey towards hormonal balance and better health. You will leave feeling empowered, hopeful and gain actionable steps in your journey with PCOS.


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