The PCOS Doc Babies

“There aren’t enough words to describe how thankful we are for Natalie’s wonderful care and guidance in helping us conceive our beautiful baby girl. Before we were introduced to Natalie, we had such little hope in conceiving a child. I was at my heaviest weight, my hormones were out of control, and my diet was so nutrient-poor. With the help of a specific eating plan, supplements and exercise, I was able to lose 30lbs, finally have a regular menstrual cycle and began ovulating for the first time in years. Natalie has helped bring a perfect miracle into our lives and we couldn't be more grateful.”

Naomi D.

“Hi there! Just thought I would tell you that I made a lot of the lifestyle changes you taught in your course & I just found out I’m pregnant yesterday!”

— unknown

“Soooo, I’m pregnant! Without tracking, without anything. And it’s all because of you. If I wouldn’t have come to your page over a year ago I would’ve never known the things I know now. So thank you!!! I truly never thought I would see a test that said pregnant. I was actually about to start fertility treatments for IUI this week, but I wasn’t getting my period. So, I took a test with no expectations and glanced with no hesitation and it said pregnant. Thank you again, I know you help so many women.

— unknown